Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This weeks gallery prompt is One word. Each week there are wonderful photos and posts related to a theme. So go over to the gallery at Sticky Fingers, have a browse, make a comment and be inspired to join in as well.


I nearly chose the word muse, simply because I have never been inspired to take so many pictures as I have with MiniMck. In the end I chose the word Love, the pure essence of parenthood (it also means I can just about choose any photos of MiniMck that I like, although Mrs Mck has recently berated me for always choosing more than one photo for the Gallery. She thinks it is cheating).

At the moment of his birth there was a surge of relief, ecstatic pure joy and a tidal wave of love, all wrapped up in a blubbery speechless mess. The blubbering stopped, but the love keeps on building.

Love was there at the dead of night, pacing the boards, rocking back and forth with soothing words and song.

My eyes blink through a loving haze when a small hand holds mine in the morning and I'm woken with the whispering, "Daddy, wake now"

When he utters words I haven't heard him say before, I look at his Mummy, we smile and beam with love and pride.

His requests for a "Cuddle now" before leaving for work, fill my heart with love till I return home.

Love was encased in a shell of fear when he fell, gashed his head and with his blood staining my shirt, my mind filled with the worst of scenarios.

Feet creep on silent tiptoes with love, when every night before retiring to my own bed, I sneak in to see him sleeping, cover him up, kiss his forehead and tell him I love him.

Now I understand what someone said to me about the capacity to love your own child holding no bounds. He said the love is infinite and grows, and keeps on growing, with each new child you have.

Here is to parents and our infinite capacity to love.

I love this shot by MrsMck. We had finished decorating MiniMcks bedroom, removed his cot, added some new furniture and a 'Big Boy Bed'. MrsMck waited in his room for the first time he entered it- the joy and surprise she captured is wonderful.

I love this photo, because it captures the enjoyment of both Mum and Son, and I'm sure I was smiling behind the camera as well. Who doesn't when they see their child enjoying life so much?