Five years ago we moved into our current home. Quite soon after moving in, I planted a little vegetable patch. That year we enjoyed home grown spring onions, a few leeks, salad leaves, tomatoes and my favourite, cavarlo nero cabbage. It was clear that this small patch was not going to be big enough to satisfy my new interest in growing veg, but MrsMck was not keen on expanding the vegetable patch into other areas of the garden.
After a little research I found some allotments just over a mile from where we lived, I contacted the council and put my name on the waiting list straight away. I was told it usually takes a year or two for a plot to come up.
MrsMck calls me at work, someone from the council had left a phone message and wondered if I was still in having an allotment plot. Break time came, the kids ran out to the playground and I grabbed my mobile phone straight away.
It was Plot 32, the 5 year wait was over, I was getting my own allotment
This was just over a week ago, I have since received and returned the tenancy agreement and annual payment. I was eager to get stuck in, do some digging and have a big bonfire of all the rubbish that had accumulated on the plot. However, my back had other ideas. I have been laid low (literally, at one point on the floor in tears). During a few days of DIY in the half term break, I apparently pulled some muscles or ligaments and my back went into spasms. It was agony and I hardly moved for three days.
This means my new enthusiasm, that was going to spur me on to the task of digging over the whole plot, will have to be curbed for a week or two. Whatever I do, I will keep a record of it on this blog.
Thanks to Les and his Dad for keeping the plot in good shape and I hope I can do you proud and get it back into shape soon.
NB: I have referred to the allotment as mine, it will obviously be a family plot. MrsMck and I will try to involve MiniMck and NanoMck as much as possible- but I have no doubts, I will be the one doing all the work, so, for this post at least, I'll call it mine.